
lots of last minute scrambling was happening all week leading up to the oregon manifest. i was working on bikes on thursday morning, before i left to portland. austin and co. wanted people to put some effort into their booth design. there were some pretty good set ups to be seen. so thursday was setup day. which took a little while to unload everything, and put it together. of course it had to rain at this point. tried to go to bed at a decent time thur night, but still doing some photo stuff for the booth kept me up late. again. friday was the first day of the show. i rode there from the place i was staying. i can't believe how many bikers there are in that town. it's awesome! not a huge turnout as far as the crowd goes. kevin was going to come up and hang/help out the rest of the weekend. but didn't show up until i was at the party that night. at a place downtown that does the ads for nike. a very cool, big, artsy scene. there bikes locked up everywhere. it was a chore to find a spot. free beer was flowing. the filmed by bike movies were being shown in this cool auditorium in that office building. some of the films were great. unfortunately, i can't remember the names of the ones i liked. but if you ever get a chance to see these, do it. gotta go, more later. g

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